Clients commission us to create memorable experiences for their stakeholders: along with driving ideas from inception to launch. We also work on end-to-end personalized solutions.



Proof of Concept to Execution

Training & Certification

Penetration Testing

Reverse Engineering

Research & Development

Experience Design

Creative Direction

UX/UI Design

Customer Journey Mapping

High-Fidelity Prototypes

Marketing Communication


Cloud Solutions

Web & App Development

IoT & Sensor Networks

Experience Analysis

Back-end Automation

Agile Culture

Team Coaching

Optimize Delivery

Remote Collaboration

Deepen Talent Pool

Feedback System


Ongoing Partnerships

In collaborative partnerships we work on key business issues in an iterative manner.


Projects start at around three months, while average project is around six months and large-scale projects take up to 12 months.

Experience Advisement

For clients who are looking for pure advice on technology transformations.

Research & Development

We work with internal leaders to discover immediate, substantial, & sustainable solutions to create pure independency.



The usual and most common form of cooperation between a client and us: we get ‘paid-for-time’ or agree on a fixed price for a specific scope.

Shared revenue / performance-based

Used as an incentive program we offer models where we reduce the classic fee structure in order to participate in the impact and results our work generates.

Equity / shares

If the opportunity arises and it’s attractive enough we also offer an equity-for-service type of model where part of our compensation is paid in shares.


Avg. $2M

Benefitted through effective use
of our R&D


Tailored projects have
been completed


Happy clients